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Moving image: Explore cultures and art making around the world

“Wayarra, that spirit, took the dogs with him. They went and were not able to find water. The oasis, they thought they saw a billabong full of water…”

Andrea and Peter Hylands

March 7, 2025
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In this film Bob Burruwal and Lena Yarinkura tell us the story of Mono, the bones of two people and their dogs who die of thirst.

The art of Bob Burruwal and Lena Yarinkura is both beautiful and complex, this is work that tells a series of stories, Djarngo, laws, natural forces, animals, objects, emotions and phenomena that shape Bob’s and Lena’s religious beliefs. 

Andrea and I had been working with Bob and Lena, linguist Murray Garde and the staff of Maningrida Arts & Culture in Arnhem Land to record the stories that gave form to the artwork in the exhibition Kunkamak Ngarrwoneng (Our house of culture). The idea in making these films was to hand this knowledge to present and future generations. In doing so helping to instruct young people in ceremony, rituals, dance, song, art making and Kuneand Rembarrnga ways of being.

"We went and made all these objects and they all have stories and remind people what these stories are and we make the artwork because they have stories. And we can tell these stories".

These films were made in Ankabadbirri and in Maningrida and surrounds and in the beautiful country surrounding Ankabadbirri. 

We should all note just how carefully and beautifully Bob Burruwal and Lena Yarinkura have cared for their country. What a staggeringly beautiful and peaceful place it is.


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My father taught me. He told me never to forget this story. He said do not lose my story, hold on to it.