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Masterpiece: The work

Moving image: Explore cultures and art making around the world

"We have to work really hard to achieve what has to be". Hirokado Hotta

March 7, 2025
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The chrysanthemum design is more traditional and that already existed in Kyoto, but this plum flower design pattern is my original idea.

The chrysanthemum design is more traditional and that already existed in Kyoto, but this plum flower design pattern is my original idea. 

This one is the plum flower pattern of this basket and I have designed this pattern myself. The plum flower, when compared to the chrysanthemum is very different. The chrysanthemum design is more traditional and that already existed in Kyoto, but this plum flower design pattern is my original idea. 

What I am doing is making this chrysanthemum flower pattern into something that is similar but yet different. So we have developed the plum flower pattern, this was achieved by trial and error. Each of the fine strips of bamboo was woven then I actually lacquered one coat all over the basket.  We have a dryer, a container in which to dry the lacquered woven bamboo, and after lacquering one coat, it usually takes 24 hours to dry.

When I took the basket out of the dryer (this was my first design of this plum type and it represented two years work) I saw the surface was totally black. My wife and I were so disappointed we decided to make it again, but this time we thought very hard about how to do this?

We now lacquer each fine length of bamboo separately, these fine threads form the pattern of the plum flower. After brushing the lacquer onto each thread of bamboo we then wipe them with a cloth and put them into the dryer as separate threads.

After this I weave into the face of the basket, this methods avoids the face becoming black so that was the hard time. I had to come up with this idea to be able to solve this problem and also how to do this in the background and also how to see this red in the background or the reverse side of this weave and then again from the actual front. You can see very soft red coming out from the background of the soft demure plum flower and that is why the plum flower pattern that I had invented and submitted to the exhibition won the grand prize.

So as a craftsman I had to work hard, the background is less intricate and easier to work on but even so there are some failures and again to achieve a good result there is a great deal of trial and error.

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